The setting of this piece in two parts takes place in midwinter in Japan, the sun is low, the days are short, the nights are long and snow is everywhere in beautiful Hokkaido. It’s the winter solstice or Tōji and the end of year announces a symbolic death of what we know and have experienced in this year, making way for new adventures in the coming months.
The two parts feature a blend of electric guitar, live strings and sound FX. They weave a careful, meditative tapestry of evanescent sounds and arrangements that coalesce and sometimes ebb away delicately as we discard our old thoughts and habits.
‘A truly compelling piece of art from beginning to end, Mathieu Karsenti has downright blown us away on his newest work.’ – wewriteaboutmusic review
Through an amalgamation of instrumental harmonies that set a rather meditative atmosphere, a deluxe infusion of worlds is brought through the speakers as this philosophical ballad reflects the winter solstice.’ – Buzz Music review